Ekto gammit

WordPress Troubleshooting: My blog looks horrible in IE!


Internet Explorer (previous to v7, at least) does not follow the same standards as everyone else. The most noticeable effect this has in blogging with WordPress is that IE will add margins and padding together, which can really screw up your layout. The other effects are far too numerous to mention here (my little poke at M$).

 I have yet to see a theme designed in IE (not that there aren't any, I just don't see them), so you can generally rest assured that the CSS works well with Firefox and other modern browsers. For this reason I recommend you get your site to look the way you want it to in Firefox first, then worry about IE later.

 So, you have your blog looking the way you want. Now point Firefox to http://chrispederick.com/work/webdeveloper/ and get the Web Developer Extension  and install. You should have another bar now that has a menu that looks like this:

WebDev Menu Read more ›

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WordPress Troubleshooting: Permissions, CHMOD and paths, OH MY!

permissions_noobie.pngWith issues arising from varying Shared Hosting Packages, versions of PHP, Apache, etc., file permission issues sometimes rear their ugly head. I’m hoping the following reference can provide some help or direction to those less experienced:

A “file not found” “404”, “Unable to create directory”, “cannot open” or “doesn’t exist” error stops things dead in their tracks. This is usually due to a program/script not finding a script or file where it expects to, or it isn’t ‘allowed’ to see it because of the permission settings on the file or it’s directory.

Let’s start with the path. Check your error carefully, it will usually list the path to file in question. I recommend using the FileZilla FTP program .FileZilla interface Open FileZilla and connect to your site. Navigate through the path listed in the error and try to find the file. If it’s missing, try uploading it again and test… If the path is different, verify if you have wordpress installed in the ‘top’ or root directory or if it’s in a sub-directory.

If you found it and the path is correct, check the permissions.  Read more ›

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Quick look at WordPress issues in May:


WordPress 2.0.3 was released June 1 (I know, I know, it's not May but I'm including it anyway). If you get it, make sure you read about the "Are you sure?" tuneup Mark released.

On May 24th, a new version of Akismet appeared!

Basically it just cleans up the formatting of the spam page a bit, adds a delete button to the bottom of the page, and gives you a view post link so you know what post a comment is on. Also if you hover over the "View Post" link it'll tell you the title of the post.

The goal is to keep the plugin as simple as possible, and hopefully these small changes make the Akismet experience a little more elegant for WordPress users. 

 Find Akismet v1.15 here .

Admin Autumn by Andy Staines is my favorite Admin Theme (it also includes his Admin drop-down menus built-in!). It was updated to 1.1 on May 4th and you can find it here .

The guys at Fresh Pursuits are plugging away at Canvas (heh, just re-read that). Since I have my wordpress install in a sub-directory (see the codex about this) things break. Most is addressed in 1.1.3c except for a wee bit which can be addressed by following instructions found here , or waiting for the next release… Read more ›

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Women and blogging

sam and nancy holder at the Wolfram & Hart Annual Review 2004
I know some very creative women, one of which even makes a living writing, yet 'blogging' seems such a foreign concept to them. 

I should note that these friends are all 39-ish *grin* and I do believe that the lack of access to personal computers in the formative years has a big impact. 

But I see another issue, one that has interested me all of my life, and that is the differences, or similarities of art and technology. My Mother was an artist, primarily painted in oils (portraits, still life) and the Father I grew up with was an engineer. I learned quickly that art was about creativity, imagination without borders. While engineering/technology was about fixed dimensions and laws of physics. Read more ›

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Network Solutions (Customer Support tragedies)…

After my site went down (for over 24 hours) I discovered that Network Solutions had done a"Major Upgrade" over the weekend of May 13th. Interesting how a company on the cutting-edge of internet services couldn't manage to somehow communicate this BEFORE it took place. However, to further pound this cork in the asshole of progress even deeper, they decided to not communicate it AFTER, either.  So, basically everyone that had an issue had to call tech support… Read more ›

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I find greed disgusting (or: Bausch&Lomb…)

I think the definition of Incorporated is 'self-centered'. Isn't a corporation really just an attempt to remove any personal responsibility by creating an entity unto itself? bleh.

I watched with disgust as Ron Zarrella Bausch and Lomb PR banner, CEO of B&L displayed confidence (denial) and purpose (minimizing, denial) on B&L's recent TV commercial (PR rescue attempt).

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A dog’s life

Bubba the BeagleBubba (the beagle) is convinced squirrel's are evil. I remember at one park they literally seemed to be throwing nuts down at him from the trees (probably just dropping them in excitement). The chances of him actual catching one are astronomical, but that doesn't seem to intrude on his convictions.

tux the lab-mixTux (Lab-mix) is his buddy. I suspect Tux is much smarter, but all that goes down the drain when they are together. Together their collective intelligence drops (like when men gather) and thoughts go to:

Look at me pee! Hah! Look at ME pee!

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Myth’s about higher octane gasoline:

I've often heard people remark that they "only" use hi-octane gas for their car. When I ask why, I get a lot of different answers but rarely do they have any basis in reality ;') The octane rating of gasoline simply rates how effectively the fuel resists detonation. Or, in wiki-words:

The octane rating is a measure of the autoignition resistance of gasoline (petrol) and other fuels used in spark-ignition internal combustion engines.

For reference, 'autoignition'='detonation'. It might help to think of detonation as the fuel-mix 'exploding' rather then 'burning'. Detonation can occur for several reasons, but is limited to when an engine is under full load (best example is 50~70mph up a relatively steep hill, with engine warmed up). If detonation does occur it sounds very much like marbles rattling around inside two tin pie pans.

The problem with detonation is that it places an enormous strain on the engine components. Not a good thing. Bad. Quick solution is to pull your foot up off the gas, decrease the 'load' on the engine. I recommend using regular gas (about 87 octane). If, and only if you experience detonation, then use the next highest octane level gas (usually 89 or 90 octane). If you still experience detonation, then try the highest usually available (92 octane). Higher octane gasoline will NOT make your engine run cleaner. Ever. Higher octane gasoline will NOT make your engine last longer. Unless you are experiencing detonation.

This Public Service Announcement brought to you by an ex-mechanic of exotic autos, motorcycles.

Posted in Automotive, Things Tagged with: , , , ,

Conflict with Tiger Style Admin and WordPress widgets?

Chasing down issues with enabling widgets with WordPress 2.0.2. Everything seemed to work fine, except that I could not 'configure' the widgets. Clicking on the little 'note' (configure) icon brought up the configuration window, but it was greyed out and clicking on it just made it fade away. Tried permissions, re-install, etc., etc. Eventually tried disabling Tiger Style Administration 2.01 plugin and voilá! Works fine. I know I am missing something here…

Posted in Computers, Things, WordPress Tagged with: , , , ,

A sense of comfort…

Made changes/customizations and am feeling comfy with the site right now. Ask me again next week ;') Feeling good about the change of hosting as well. I moved from APlus.net to Network Solutions. Aplus.net is not customer friendly at all, and it's not simply because their tech support is overseas. Their support people are presumptious, rude and think quite highly of the time they allow the user to take up in their very important lives. I feel a rant starting. Two of the domains I registered through them was transferred by a customer (no biggie, but as techno-motards they didn't think to tell me) and APlus.net continued to charge me for renewals/parking/etc. for about 16 months. When I pointed out the mistake, they said I was mistaken. When I sent the whois results, they said: "Hmmm. Let me check this and get back to you…" Eventually they said that yeah, it had been transferred 16 months ago. I asked for a refund and they refused. They gave me a 'billing' contact and I appealed to them. They refused as well. So I voted against them with my feet.

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