Ekto gammit

The future of WordPress is 2.1

And it looks good! As of this post it’s around 50% done (I prefer to think of that as half-full, thankyouverymuch).

WP 2.1 Milestone 09/21/2006

I have been testing the alpha and love it. Often when answering questions about WP I find myself writing “Go here and just click on this…” only to realize it’s not available in 2.0.4.  And before you ask, no, there is no release date.

For those that use WordPress, this will be a “Drool” release ;’)

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4 comments on “The future of WordPress is 2.1
  1. Chris says:

    I see the recent wp-hackers discussion about the tabbed editor is already in place at WP.com. Out of curiosity, did it get patched to 2.1 as well?

  2. Sam says:

    Not yet, hopefully soon. Decisions, decisions… What should the tabs be labelled?

    (I’m thinking Code/Design).

    Edit: OOPS! It is in… Compose and HTML are the current labels.

  3. Chris says:

    Welp, on wp.com they went with “Compose” and “HTML”. Wonder if folks would freak if those get renamed later. Yet it’d be downright goofy to have them different between .com and .org, eh?

  4. Sam says:

    That would be ok… Whoever is editing will notice the difference (if there’s some text in the post being edited) and the ‘logic’ will stick.

    (I think the difference between .com and .org is that at .com one person is making the decisions. At .org a bunch of people pretend to be making the decision and then one person makes the decision. ;’)

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