Ekto gammit

Integrate PunBB into your WordPress site

The info in this post is pretty old but I’m leaving it here for reference, regardless…

I wanted to add a forum to my WordPress blog but everything I came across did not integrate well (design/page continuity, etc.) or was too simple for my tastes… Then I came across a tutorial here (there are a few around, that’s just the one I tripped across). Following the tutorial I had a somewhat more integrated forum…
…where the blood-splatter of our butchery won’t stain anything…
With the lessons learned and the release of PunBB 1.2.15 I decided to see if I could do a better job. Since the first install/integration I had added a css-based navigation menu and some random quotes which did not display when my banner/header was displayed above the PunBB forum.

Annoyed, I picked up the scissors and started running….
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Corporate Slave theme — Big update

Version .95 is out now, with a lot of tweaks done over several months…

Incorporated some plugins into functions.php for convenience:

  • Optimal Title
  • Hot Dates
  • removed ‘sociable’
  • Slimbox

Added the Top Post functionality (for a full-width ‘featured’ post). Top Post takes the latest post in a category (category set in the themes options under Presentation), displays it at the top (full-width) and makes sure it is not repeated in either column below.

This theme comes with Slimbox, a lightweight/fast image display system like lightbox. It’s built into Corporate Slave, so there shouldn’t be any need for configuration. It’s automagical, works with any thumbnail-with-link-to-fullimage.

See it in action here.

Original post with much more information. Download there or directly from here: Corporate Slave Theme v0.95

Posted in Computers, Theme, Things, WordPress Tagged with: , , , , ,

www. Preference and samdevol.com

Since domains are often indexed differently (with and without the www prefix), I’m jumping on the no-www bandwagon. For more info visit No-www.org

Ease of use with WordPress influenced me to use Mark Jaquith’s Enforce www. Preference plugin (which works for ‘enforcing’ either a www or no-www preference).

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About Me widget for WordPress – v1.0 (TinyMCE)

When I first started a WordPress blog I wanted to add some personal identification to the front page in an effort to promote validity/identity/what-evah. ‘Widgets’ were somewhat new to WP so I thought this was the approach for me. I ended up with a minor struggle using a text widget and got what I wanted.
…my head finally popped out of my sphincter and…
Then masochism got the better of me and in an attempt to self-flagellate I made an About Me widget. My approach was simple; Enter the URL of an image, a blurb about your self/site and a link or two. It worked simply too: On simply about 70% of themes/sites ;’) The problem was that a lot of themes do some pretty screwy stuff and some web hosts are picky about any file/image handling.

So I began a journey that started with meditation… Once I felt loose and unencumbered by the stress of day to day life I asked my Creator: “Are you familiar with WordPress?”
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No new Hesk integration tutorials

I added a ‘Help Desk’ tech support ‘ticket’ system some time ago (Hesk v0.93.1) and wrote a tutorial for it here.

I don’t use it and haven’t had time to update to the latest version of Hesk (latest version of hesk doesn’t play well with my tutorial), and I may not update it, might even drop it. Seems the forums here are more effective, and my paying customers seem to “damn-sure” want to deal directly with me rather then some ticket system…

So, no new tutorial for Hesk integration…

Posted in Computers, Things, WordPress Tagged with: , , , ,

Integrating a Help Desk into WordPress in 15 minutes or less

I had an interest in adding a Help Desk to my site where clients could submit ‘tickets’ that would be tracked (and stored in a MySQL database, preferably alongside my current WordPress one) and when changed/updated both the client and I would be notified via email…

I had noticed a reference to Hesk (v0.93.1) in my journeys around the WP support forums, so I took a look and decided it was small and simple, which is what I needed.

Installing Hesk was simple. I chose to install it to /wp-content/hesk, then added a link to my ‘Links’ (or ‘Blogroll’ depending on what version of WP you have). Follow the directions and Boom: Functioning Help Desk.

However, it looked like you had been transported to another world. A world without art, design or beauty. A hellish world void of desirable women (or handsome men, if that blows your skirt up). So, I picked up some scissors, and started running
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About Me widget for WordPress – update

Working on 0.99 and and I decided to take the About Me widget to a level I had never intended. If you have used it before, you’re used to seeing this configuration interface:
About Me config image

I had originally intended to design a widget that would allow a user to enter a path to an image, a few lines of text and a few links. Responding to requests and with a mixture of geeky interest and since I eat my own dog food a number of revisions have crept out. A few bug fixes, a few adjustments for people with hosts that do things a bit differently…

I often get questions about styling. This can be a tough one, because it can be effected by different themes (element names, style inheritance, etc.) let alone different browsers. Often the question is as simple as “How do I change the size of the text?” (actually more complicated then it sounds if you want to use proportional sizing). I’ve been thinking about this for some time (well, at least a few minutes here and there), so I started looking around for code examples regarding image uploading and even GUI code for layout/etc. Then with a POP my head came outta my sphincter and I realized there’s already an editor/uploader in WordPress ;’)

Here’s what the current 0.99 beta config looks like:
About Me .99beta config image

It’s the TinyMCE editor all WordPress users have seen before, currently configured with a limited GUI (plenty enough to design the layout for a sidebar widget) and to force more standards-compliant code (not necessarily prettier, mind you, but valid). I’m hoping this will allow for ease-of-use with less limitations.

Also new is a aboutme.css file, especially helpful to those with more need then can be met with the GUI config.

Here is the 0.99 beta About Me Widget See original post for the released (1.0beta).

Feedback welcome!

Posted in Computers, Things, widgets, WordPress Tagged with: , , , , ,

WordPress 2.0.5 released

IWP logo was looking at this one as a real yawner. I consider myself almost obsessive about updating but I was going to take a pass on this one. Then, I saw this was fixed, and I thought wot the hell…

So I copied all the files over, just dumped them right on top of my 2.0.4 install (no backup, no candles, no chanting, I Run With Scissors). Went to an admin page to force the upgrade check, did the prompts to do the database upgrade… Then I RAN to my admin/Plugins page and experienced a form of ecstasy reserved for the truly obsessive geek: The Plugins were listed in alphabetical order. OMG. What a concept! WP used to sort them in alphabetical order, but they were translated to Mandarin first, sorted, then translated back to English. Who says those dev guys don’t have a sense of humor?

I can sleep well tonight. Finally.

Get the Official 2.0.5 Ronan
Get just the files changed between 2.0.4 and 2.0.5 (not for the lazy-a$$-no-backing-up-fool).

Oh, and for some WordPress 2.0.5 users reporting Server 500 error after upgrading, check Mark Jaquith’s post and fix here: Some WordPress 2.0.5 users reporting Server 500 error

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WordPress Theme: missunderstood

This is the release of the missunderstood theme, originally designed by Will Rossiter. This is a dark theme, with a slightly girlish touch (that’s not pink!). See a live demo here.

Image of missunderstood theme

The sidebar is fixed (static), but the header and content-area are fluid to accommodate different sized screens/browsers. I included the WordPress Theme Toolkit by Ozh for user-friendliness. For style and functionality I have included some plugins: jspullquotes by Viper007Bond (for the cute magazine-style pullquotes), Sociable by Peter Harkins (adds Social Bookmarking links to the end of each post), Live Comment Preview by Jeff Minard and Iacovos Constantinou, Optimal Title by Aaron Schaefer (reverses order of post-title/blog-title for SEO/Search friendliness) and Related Posts by By Alexander Malov & Mike Lu (lists related posts at the end of each post).

Comments and trackbacks are separated now.

In 0.94 I have added slimbox. It is built-in and should not need any configuration.

This theme is Widget-ready and tested in WordPress 2.0.x and 2.1alpha-3 through 2.2.2. It is valid XHTML and CSS.

Instructions for installation and configuration:

  1. Download the latest version from the link below.
  2. Open up the .zip file.
  3. Drop/copy the plugins folder and themes folder to your site�s wp-content/ directory.
  4. Activate and configure the newly installed plugins (check Related Posts, it needs a script run).
  5. Go into your sites Admin area, go to Presentation:Themes and select missunderstood.
  6. Click on the Store Options button and you should be set!

If you don’t want bullets to show up on your list of Related Posts, got to the Related Posts Options screen and add <li style=”list-style-type:none;”> to the “before” box (and </li> to the “after” box). For adjusting general font styles and sizes go to the Presentation:missunderstood Options in the admin area.

Code and Code-blocks:
One of the things that I found attractive about missunderstood was how Will handled code block display, using a background image that helped the code block stand out distinctly as code/script, with pseudo line numbering. Well, here’s an example:

Image of missunderstood theme's codeblock formatting

Note that long lines are not wrapped, but scroll off to the right (should help avoid copy/paste issues).

Here is how to put code blocks into your post: Start with a <div class=”code”> (will call the class style properties, background, etc.) immediately followed by a <pre> (‘pre’-formatted, to maintain original structure) so the beginning looks like this:

<div class=”code”> <pre>

Enter your code right after that:

<div class=”code”> <pre>
if $girlfriend(‘hair’) == ‘blonde’ then {
} else {

and then close the div and pre:

<div class=”code”> <pre>
if $girlfriend(‘hair’) == ‘blonde’ then {
} else {
</pre> </div>

And there ya go…

Blockquotes and pullquotes:
For the moment I am using a simple indent-with-bar style, I couldn’t use a fancier method because I found it kept conflicting with the formatting of the pullquotes. If I discover a way to address that, I’ll update the theme with the fix/enhancement. Blockquotes: For modern browsers, you’ll see some large qutation marks decorating your blockquote, IE users will see a simple, fat bar to the left.
Image of missunderstood theme's pullquote formatting
For pullquotes, I usually just use a bit of css, but this does mean duplication of the text (once for the post and a second time for the pullquote div). Viper007Bond wrote a simple plugin that uses JavaScript to get around the duplication issues. With his permission I’m including the plugin with this theme.

I’m adding some filler text here do you can see how it wraps around the pullquote. This is a bit silly here, since the pullquote there is an image (hard to mimick here without changing the CSS for this site). The styling is css based so for anyone with some basic css skills it’s pretty simple to modify to your taste. I should note that I do attempt to contact any authors of plugins I include with my theme(s). Although not required (usually) it makes for more World Peace and Harmony. Really, it does.
To use pullquotes in your posts, find the text you wish to ‘pull’ and insert <span class=”pullquote”> before the text, and </span> at the end. Simple as that. I can hear the strings of Harmony falling into place right now… Hear that?

Oh, it’s the frikkin’ neighbor’s radio…

The sidebar menu is all CSS, so it’s easy to customize. Just edit wp-content/themes/missunderstood/sidebar.php, look for the list of menu items in the <div id=”navlist”> section. They are basically just links, just change the names and link/paths to what you would like…

A note about Get Recent Comments Options:
There are 2 boxes for Before / After (Post Title) : , what works for me (and validates) is Before:

  • and After:


*Fixed in 0.91: Search button doesn’t work and alignment screwy in IE (imagine that!), thanks shaun! -10/13/06
*Fixed in 0.92: Style problems, widget styling, IE styles. Changed ID of header search element so another should be able to be added (in sidebar or elsewhere). Thanks to Harrison for the push! – 10/30/06
*Fixed in 0.93: Search (again!) Thanks to Interloper – 07/15/07
*Released 0.94: Major functional changes, some small adjustments to appearance – 09/01/07
Here is the latest version:missunderstood Theme for WordPress, version 0.94.

New! -> Support forum for missunderstood theme

Update to theme, info here.

Posted in Theme, widgets, WordPress Tagged with: , , , , ,

Received an email from site5.com tech support:

I received an email from site5.com’s tech support this morning, titled: Scheduled Maintenance Notification.

Fighting back tears of joy and relief, I opened it and noted it warned of IMAP irregularities to be expected due to server upgrades. It contained a list of specific servers and their dates of upgrade with a detailed description of exactly what might be effected from a customer’s point of view.

I felt as if a long lost friend has finally awakened from a coma (see other posts re: Network Solutions here and here). My friend, buddy and co-conspirator, tech support, had finally awakened! How I missed the days of openly communicating problems, solutions and ideas…

Ok, big group hug now…  *sniff*

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